
Who Is Man Enough To Be A Nurse?
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Who Is Man Enough To Be A Nurse?

There are more men in nursing today than at any time in history — that’s good for male nurses and the profession. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 13.3% of registered nurses (RNs) in 2021 were men, up from 7% in 2008. As the nation’s population ages, there will be more opportunities for men to join the profession; BLS projects registered nursing jobs to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031 — about as fast as all other occupations.

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5 Ways to Optimize Your Study Area to Excel in Nursing School 
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5 Ways to Optimize Your Study Area to Excel in Nursing School 

Learning requires concentration and focus. Minimizing distractions will help you maintain focus and retain class material. Choose the Right Study Space

If possible, choose one space for studying. Establishing a single space can help you focus on studying. If identifying a single study space is not possible, try using cues such as posture, headphones, or closing apps to define your study time.

Make It Your Own

Make your study space a place you want to be. Think about comfortable seating, table space, light, visuals, noise levels, etc.

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5 Tips on Getting Your Online Bachelor's Degree In Nursing
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5 Tips on Getting Your Online Bachelor's Degree In Nursing

Are you considering hybrid or online nursing classes? You’re in luck! Technological advances have made it easy for students to complete online degree programs from anywhere in the world. In 2020, an estimated 84% of new undergraduate students enrolled in online degree programs, and 16% in certification or licensure. The unique flexibility that virtual classes offer has resulted in this significant increase in online class enrollment. However, like with any course, there are challenges you may face.

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Why You should be a nursing assistant before becoming a nurse?
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Why You should be a nursing assistant before becoming a nurse?

If your goal is to become a nurse, starting out as a CNA is a great opportunity to explore the nursing field. You’ll get the chance to work alongside LPNs and RNs in a variety of healthcare settings, earning invaluable experience and skills along the way. In fact, easing into the occupation offers several important benefits. Let’s take a look.

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Why You Should Consider Taking your nursing prerequisites online 
Coach Larisa Coach Larisa

Why You Should Consider Taking your nursing prerequisites online 

In our increasingly digitized world, you can do so much online: order groceries, renew your driver’s license and consult your doctor through telehealth appointments. You can even enroll in online nursing courses.

If you plan to study nursing, you may need to complete prerequisite classes before your school lets you move into advanced nursing courses. Though you can attend classes at a college or university near you, many schools offer these prerequisites online, allowing you to complete coursework on a more flexible schedule or without commuting to campus. Some schools even offer full nursing degrees online.

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