
What exactly is a Travel Nurse?
A travel nurse is a registered nurse with a clinical background working in a non-permanent or temporary nursing role. Travel nurses are typically employed by an independent nursing staffing agency instead of a by a single facility. Assignments are usually 13 weeks in duration but could be as short as four weeks or as long as 26 weeks. A traveling RN usually has at least one year of recent acute-care experience in their specific specialty and views a travel nursing assignment as opportunity to build their resume, explore the country or try out a facility or location before moving there permanently.
Travel nursing provides a unique experience and provides the travel nurses have with the opportunity to work with some of the most prestigious doctors and practitioners in some of the most desirable locations, while gaining exposure to different nurse leadership practices.

Travel Nurse Employment: Tax Advantages of Per Diem Deductions
Navigating travel nurse taxes can be a challenge, especially because travel nurse tax amounts can be a bit different depending on what state or states you worked in. In general, however, taxes are very different for travel nurses compared to traditional staff nurses. From choosing a tax home to keeping your receipts to knowing exactly how your income will affect your long-term financial goals, here is the information you need to know about travel nurse taxes.